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Arshia Sobhan Sarbandi

"Perfection" probably is the best thing that describes the traditional mindset of a Persian calligrapher. As a calligraphy student, I was always told to practice and practice to reach that "perfect" standard. But the fact is that this "perfect standard" is a dramatically dynamic being. In a way, despite the common notion that calligraphy is static, it is extremely dynamic in nature. You can hardly document a "perfect standard" for it. Rather than a fixed set of standards, there is an array of possibilities that can encompass all the perfect calligraphy masterpieces ever created.

'Invisible Kelk*' is an exploration of creating an interface that can host the invisible dynamic aspects of Persian calligraphy. To provide a small step toward the idea of co-creation of calligraphy.

*'Kelk' is the Persian word for the calligraphy reed