Jasmine App

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Nimah Shoaib

Therapy is often expensive and they have long wait times. There are many other mental health resources for anyone to try but only a few are effective and only in one area. Some applications or websites try to replicate a therapist based environment with skills and 1 on 1 chat rooms but they are rarely helpful. This causes the user to feel like they aren’t getting the help they need. After countless tries of getting the proper therapy or skills needed but not succeeding, someone who is already feeling low will start to feel hopeless. Personally, I have tried and failed at getting the proper help I deserve but therapy cost too much and mental health applications seemed to get me nowhere. I know I am not the only one who deals with feeling lost about how to get better. Many don’t have money for therapy and COVID is restricting resources even more. In order to solve this issue, an all-in-one application that would be available on the AppStore and the Google PlayStore for equal access. This would be monitored by the Government of Canada or Ontario, to start off. In order to solve this issue, an all-in-one application that would be available on the AppStore and the Google PlayStore for equal access. This would be monitored by the Government of Canada or Ontario, to start off. This app would require the user’s health card number for free access and a paid membership option if the user does not comply. Out of all the mental health applications and resources out there, none have a comprehensive list of resources that would benefit everyone. This app would ensure that no one is left out and everything is available to them at a lower cost and from the comfort of their home.