Spatial Odyssey

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Aishwarya Bhattbhatt, Aranya Khurana, Nastaran Bizmark, Rutooja Khamkar

"Spatial Odyssey is an interactive installation redefining the creation of music within the spatio-temporal context of the Digital Futures Open Show. It invites participants to explore the intersection of physicality and sound. Here people are not just spectators but composers of their own musical experience. As one climbs up the staircase, pressure sensors on the steps connected to an Arduino play various synthesised sounds. These sounds come together to form a soundtrack that is resonant with the essence of Digital Futures. The installation encourages collaboration and is a celebration of the power of shared experience. At the end of the experience, participants can choose to collect an audio recording to save as a souvenir for their time at the show. By infusing everyday spaces with presence and awareness, the installation invites everyone to reconsider the ordinary and immerse themselves in a blend of sounds, spaces and togetherness."