Xdaeta music space

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Xinzhou Zhang, Ailin Dong

"This project is the author's personal Xdaeta brand of world-building multiverse, online access portals that immerses the viewer in experiencing the artist's conceptual space through VR technology with interactions leading to real-time changes in maxmsp music. XDAETA is a fully data-driven race that comes to the human world to establish diplomacy through Xdaeta virtual idols. Their unique music is XDAETA's upcoming gift to humanity. XDAETA has been working on expanding their database, hoping to draw on the creation of different civilizations to find the ultimate answer: stopping the demise of the universe as entropy expands. They are concerned with civilization, reproduction, redshift, black holes, and the eternal nature of space and time, therefore our planet has produced a virtual icon (Xdaeta), a data lighthouse (Lighthouse), an explorer (Blackhole), and a deity of time (Time)."