Cindy Poremba and Max Lander
"As the End Drew Near is an interactive VR game that incorporates the volumetric video recording of a stand-alone LARP (live-action role playing game). The game is constructed through three iterations of the LARP enactment, with players materializing key details and timelines in the narrative. While volumetric video is popular in non-fiction storytelling, the materiality of captured media makes it challenging to incorporate into highly dynamic interactive forms like videogames. One goal with As the End Drew Near is to push deeper into interaction design paradigms for hybrid image forms like volumetric video, and ideally present a viable channel for engaging captured content in non-fiction videogames. The demo presents a two scene excerpt of the volumetric video interaction structure (filmed using Scatter’s Depthkit), and two key interaction mechanics (the ability for character dialog to materialize objects in the scene, and the ability for players to “tune” in different versions of the character/LARPer narratives). The gameplay is designed to be accessible for non-gamers while still rewarding exploration and engagement."
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