Natalie Le Huenen
What is it like to create in thin air? What if your entire office could be your computer? The walls, the ceiling, and the air around you? At the wave of a hand, bits of data come to life around the room. Holograms of familiar cities materialize on the tables. You weave together new ideas with ease, sculpting buildings and adding windows. Your coworker is away, visiting the other side of the world. He beams in virtually a moment later. At the point of a finger, a hologram table morphs into New York. Then Beijing. Then Toronto. You begin work on the new art gallery plan, clicking together blocks of 3D code after walking through centuries of inspiring architectural history. ‘SpatialFlow’ is an experimental 3D interaction design project addressing today’s challenges in screen-based, collaborative on-site and remote workflows. Design using holographic tools and meet your colleagues in a simulated office. Watch the demo, or try it out in Virtual Reality today.
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